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Blog Summaries – Buffetisms and Ramseyisms


The stock market is a superb mechanism for the transfer of wealth from the impatient to the patient


5 Ways to give yourself a raise

  1. Do a Spending Plan
  2. Go to CASH
  3. Snowball your debts or savings
  4. Identify weaknesses in overspending or bumps in the road, and establish a plan/process to avoid them
  5. Reflect each month, see what you did well, what you could have done better


7 Smart Habits for Successful Leaders

  1. People matter most
  2. Preserve your core
  3. Discipline and Habits are key
  4. Catch people doing something right
  5. You can’t please everyone
  6. Sacrifice
  7. Just say no


Investing is like working out…..

At times it will hurt….feel the burn, don’t stop. Success in investing as it is with working out, is you need to EXCPECT some pain, and be able to get through it. Ups and Downs are NORMAL, as is soreness after a good work out. It’s the discomfort that ultimately yields results.

Avoid the get fit (rich) quick strategies. Know they are out there.


Choose Happiness

We’re constantly promised that the next big thing is the one that will finally make us happy.
But happiness is not external. It can’t be bought, pursued, or found.
Happiness is inside us.
You decide to be happy.
Once you do, you gravitate toward happy people, places, activities, and situations…and vice-versa!
The decision to be happy is always available…right here and now!

Thomas Jefferson caused a lot of problems when he said that we all have an inalienable right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Life, certainly. Liberty, no disagreement. But it’s that last one, the pursuit of happiness, that causes so much unhappiness.

The problems lie in the notion that happiness is something that needs to be pursued. But happiness is not a pursuit. It’s not something out there, nor is it something external to us. Happiness starts with the most personal commitment that any human being can make.

First, we decide to be happy.

Individual happiness begins the moment that any person, regardless of his or her circumstances, decides to be happy. A person can be in miserable conditions, lacking advantages and opportunities, and still decide to be happy. The moment that a person decides to be happy, he or she immediately begins gravitating to other people who have made the same decision.

The decision to be happy communicates itself to the world, and all of the other things in the world that are already happy—people, places, activities, and circumstances—begin to communicate back.


As we progress forward in the 21st century, and as the promise and performance of micro-technology become greater, we are going to be told constantly that the next technological breakthrough will be the one that finally makes us happy. Don’t believe a word of it. None of these new methods and machines are producing any more individual happiness than anything we have created in the past. The decision to be happy for the rest of our life is a decision that each of us can make right now.

Are you ready to start a new path?
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